D1941 White — City clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL
Pink — Finance Dept.
Canary— Dept.
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That whereas the City has sought competitive
bids for fire and extended coverage insurance on buildings under
the jurisdiction of the Department of Community Services ; and
WHEREAS, the bids solicited called for alternatives , and on the
basis of all the various deciding factors contained in the City's
solicitation, it was determined that the lowest bidder price was
$16, 591. 00 based on 90% co-insurance with a $20,000 deductibility
clause ; and
WHEREAS, Alexander and Alexander, Inc . , the insurance agent handling
similar coverage for theCCounty of Ramsey, has offered to provide
coverage on the basis of 90% co-insurance with a $10,000 deductible
clause and include the Department ' s buildings on the County' s policy
for the same insurance ; and
WHEREAS, ,,Alexander and Alexander, Inc . was one of the bidders in
this matter but could not extend this offer to the City under
the requirements of our Specifications but is able to make this
offer at a lower price than it bid because inclusion on the County' s
policy spreads the exposure in an existing insurance program with
• a corresponding reduced premium, therefore it is
ORDERED, that all bids solicited and received in connection with
Bid A-6215 are rejected, and the proper City officials are hereby
authorized to pay to Alexander and Alexander, Inc . the sum of
$12,005.49 upon receipt of an endorsement to the County' s policy
reflecting coverage of the Department' s buildings thereon with
the City being named as a co-insured to the extent of its interest,
and it is further
ORDERED, that such action is taken only after the purpose of the
competitive bid law has not been achieved, and that is , in this
case , the procuring of insurance at the lowest cost to the City' s
taxpayers .
Assi a City ty Attorney Department Head
Adminiffirati As stant to Mayor