D1917 White City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— 15ept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR • No: �2 — ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER MAR 2 4 1975 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans , obtain surveys , prepare estimates and investigate the necessity to reconstruct/construct sidewalks at the following locations and do all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. East side of HAMLINE AVE. from Lincoln Ave. to the north to alley 150'+ (1337 Lincoln Ave.) West side of HAMLINE AVE. from Lincoln Ave. to north to alley 150'+ (1341 Lincoln Ave. ) East side of DUNLAP ST. from St. Clair Ave. to Osceola Ave. North side of ST. CLAIR AVE. from Oak Grove P1 to Dunlap (abutting Lot 14, Blk. 4, St. Clair & Short Line Add. only) Both sides of GOODRICH AVE. from Syndicate St. to Hamline Ave. Both sides of JAMES AVE. from Griggs St. to Syndicate St. West side SNELLING AVE. from Berkeley Ave. to north to alley 126'+ (1583 Berkeley) West side DAVERN ST. from St. Clair Ave. to south to alley 1261+ (1702 St. Clair) East side MACALESTER ST. from Randolph Ave. to south 126'+ West side ADRIAN ST. from Albion Ave. to north to I .S. 35E Both sides of ALBION ST. from Adrian St. to W. 7th St. The Director of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to prepare the preliminary order and schedule this matter for public hearing. M-0598 APPROVED AS TO FORM � 1 nAs$irant Cit9ly torney Public Work Department He d \r� Sidewalks Date Administrative Assist lint to Mayor