D1823 White — city clerk C I T Y 01F SAINT PA u L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: JZ�l xo G ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: FE' 7 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of improving streets in the THOMAS DALE NDP (City Project P-0624) . Regrade and surface with bituminous material , construct concrete curb and gutter where necessary, driveways and sidewalk where necessary, landscape boulevards, an ornamental lighting system and do all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement on the following streets: LAFOND AVE. - Chatsworth St. to Victoria St. VICTORIA ST. - Lafond Ave. to Pierce Butler Rt. LAFOND AVE. - Mackubin St. to Arundel St. MACKUBIN ST. - Thomas Ave. to Van Buren Ave. ARUNDEL ST. - Thomas Ave. to Minnehaha Ave. Also, regrade and resurface the 3 alleys in B. Michel 's Re-Ar. of Blk. 7 in the south I of Blk. 2 of Smith's Subdivision of Blks. 2, 6, 7 & 8 of Stinson's Div. of the NWT of Sec. 36 T29 R23. The Department of Finance is hereby directed to bring this matter before the Council for public hearing. • APPROVED AS TO FORM\ \ Z11 �\1 �e\ J As istant ty Atto ey De tment � /s D 7 Ad ist ative Lkssistant to MaYor