D1787 white - City Clerk CITY 01F SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ,// "'% / ✓ / ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: JAN 2 1 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to remit on a statement in the amount of $830.20 from Rensis Likert Associates, Inc. of Ann Arbor, Michigan who prepared a compilation of city employee surveys gathered by Public Technology, Inc. of Washington, D. C. The services performed by Rensis Likert were done pursuant to a verbal contract issued by the City Administrator' s office and said office has received materials submitted and finds them in accordance with the agreement. • Directo , Dept. of Finance an Management Services APPROVED AS TO FORM 10"'A, Assistant ity Attorney Dep rtment He • � / Date 4A" V9 Adminis tive As to t to Mayor