D002017CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: � DATE� J ^3O-(J/ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City CLarter and based on the request of the Director of the Division of Pazks and Recrralion to amend the 2000 budge[ of the General Fund (001), the Director of the Qffice of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001- General Fand 03100-Pazks & Rec Administralion Ol l l-Full Time Permanen[ 0439-Fringe Benefit 0856-System Software 0857-Computer Equipment 03101-Town Square Park Admin 0121-Part Time Certified 0131-Cetfified - Temporary 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv • 0245-Publications 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0439-Fringe Benefit 0848-Capitalized Equipment 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0831-Shop Equipmen[ 03103-Pazks Commission 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0235-Type II Regulaz 0255-Dues 0256-Registration Fees - Local 0299-0ther-Misc. Services 0368-Office Supplies 03104-Pazks&,Rec Vehicle & Equip Serv 0299-Other-Misa Services 03106-Winter Activilies-Bright Lights Ol l l-Full Time Pem�az�ent 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0289-Rental - Misc 0439-Fringe Benefit 03108-Parks & Rec Support Serv Ol l I-Full Time Permanen[ • 0368-0ffice Supplies 0815-Desks-Chairs-Tables 085I-Computer Equipment CURRENT BUDGET 373,534 195,200 4,400 14,438 43,900 1�,560 37,000 4,400 207,000 28,587 8,500 26,775 9,620 7,329 1,200 1,319 1,350 1,481 489 53,583 70,672 6,461 37,840 2,903 21,235 290,375 7,000 1,800 4,500 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET (9,100) (53,237) (4,400) (14,438) 364,434 141,963 0 0 (31,000) (443) (37,000) (1,8�3) (26,000) (8,800) (8,500) (14,'782) (9,620) (2,925) (1,200) (1,819) (1,350) (1,061) (489) (49,847) (13,279) (6,461) (35,395) (2,903) (2,416) (449) (443) (1,800) (4,500) 12,900 17,117 0 2,547 181,000 19,787 0 11,993 0 4,404 0 (500) 0 420 0 3,736 57,393 0 2,445 0 18,819 289,926 6,557 0 0 (con[inued on page 2) Page 1 • 03122-Como Zoo 0161-Salary Needs 0439-Fringe Benefit 03124-Como Zoo & Conserv Heating 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0349-Other-Equipment 0389-0ther Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 03126-Free Concerts in City Parks 0131-Certified - Temporary 0439-Fringe Benefit 03131-Pazks Security 0131-Certified - Temporary 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0235-Type II Regular 0283-Rental- Vehicles 0341-Motor Fue] 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0578-Safety Allocation 0851-Radio Equipment 03132-Pazks Ground Maintenance 0273-Grounds Maintenance Service 0824-Sweepers 0843-Playground • 03133-Pazks Pemuts Management Ol l i-Full Time Permanent 0291-Refuse DisposaVCollection 0439-Fringe Benefit 03135-Srna(I/Specialized Equipment 0161-Salary Needs 0283-Rental -Vehicle 0828-Tractors 03140-Parks & Recreation UUlities 0293-Sewer Charges 03170-Rec Center Progamming 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0285-Rental Duplicating 0289-Rental - Misc 0813-Duplicating Machine 0815-Desks-Chairs-Tables 0819-Appliances 0843-Playground 03171-Maintenance Support 0 i 11-Full Time Pemianent 0141-Overtime 0161-Salary Needs 0283-Rental - Vehicies 0322-Aggregates-Sand • CURRENT BITDGET 37,716 202,865 9,832 9,752 2,599 61,397 1,756 192 45,908 2,798 2,000 20,268 2,500 4,330 30,000 I,000 47,665 17,270 6,250 24,354 20,000 10,776 9,916 23,004 82,190 223,154 15,407 19,407 156,647 3,000 10,000 3,250 2,780 258,941 32,330 14,243 226,716 56,000 APPROVED CHANGES (34,945) (4,569) (992) (7,305) (355) (68) (751) (70) (5,479) (1,824) (2 (3,378) �2,500) (1,860) (�,1�) (1,000) (32,626) (17,270) (420) (19,706) (16,269) (5,700) (6,852) (2,567) (9,247) (4,972) �1, (13,798) (47,870) (3,000) (LQ,000) (3,250) (2,780) (25,600) (3,410) (14,243) (66,594) (13,573) pao adt 7 AMENDED BUDGET 2,771 198,296 8,840 2,447 2,244 61,329 1,005 122 40,424 974 0 16,890 0 2,470 22,900 0 15,039 0 5,830 4,648 3,731 5,076 3,064 20,437 72,943 218,182 13,923 5,609 108,777 0 0 0 0 233,341 28,920 0 160,122 42,427 (continued on page 3) Page 2 . • • • 0439-Fringe Benefit 0821-Cars 0838-Snow Blowers 0843-Playground 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Maintenance 0836-Trailers 0839-Other-Shop Equipment 031'74-Muni Athletics Prograws Ol l l Full Time Permanent 0121-Part Time Certified 0161-Salary Needs 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0439-Fringe Benebt 03175-Neighborhoodsin Transition Ol l l-Full Time Penuanent 0121-Part Time Certified 0161-Salaty Needs 0439-Fringe Benefit 03176-Rec Check Program 0132-Not Certified Temporary 03 57-Athleticlftecreatio n 03177-Special Recreation Programs 0121-Part Time Certified 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0221-Postage 0283-Rental- Vehicie 0285-Rental Duplicating 0341-Motor Fuel 0357-Attilelic/Recreation 0362-Paper Supplies 0364-Letterheads 0439-Fringe Benefit 0857-DaTa Processing Hudwaze 03180-Seasonal Swim�[iing/Beaches/pools 0131-Certified - Temporary 0241-Printing 0251-Transportation 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenance 0249-Other-Misc. Senrices 0312-Supplies-Etectrical 03 53 -Chemica ]/I,abor 0439-Fringe Benefit 03181-Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool 0241-Printing 0299-0ther-Misc. Services 0898-Buiiding Improvements CURRENT BUDGET 83,105 906 6,000 9,000 5,500 5,800 46,698 3,626 2,814 69,995 15,242 20,880 145,293 9,288 5Q327 73,744 46,200 32,668 1,500 5,000 12,000 1,000 50� 3,000 447 410 116,275 2,500 179,413 3,200 400 5,728 9,911 4,000 15,000 38,733 1,000 9,582 2,500 APPROVED CHANGES (6,137) ��) (6,000) (9,000) (2,461) ( (209) (3,44?) (2,814) (9,257) (780) (20,880) (23,135) (7,214) (12,071) (4, l 14) (5,064) (18,839) (1,500) (1,700) (1,656) (993) (500) ('787) (44'7) (266) (711) (2,500) (28,009) (2,892) (292) (5,382) (6,760) (3,885) (3,498) (4,181) (1,000) (6,400) (2,500) AMEPIDED BIIDGET 76,968 6 0 0 3,039 0 46,489 179 0 60,738 14,462 0 122,158 2,074 38,256 69,630 41,136 13,829 0 3,300 10,344 7 0 2,213 0 144 115,564 0 151,404 308 108 346 3,151 115 11,502 34,552 0 3,182 0 p�o �b � � (continued on page 4) Page 3 Dooaot7 • • 03194-Environmental&Natural Resources Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0241-Printing 0271-Building-Repairs 0276-0ffice Fquipment 0279-Other-Repair & Maintenaace 0289-Rental - Misc 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0311-Supplies Plumbing 0315-Supplies7anitor 0439-Fringe Benefit 0828-Trac[ors 0848-Capitalized Equipment 03195-Tree Main[enanCe 0205-NaUual Disaster 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0273-Grounds Maintenance Sen�ice 0283-Renta] - Vehicles 0291-Refuse DisposallCollection 0299-Other-Misc. Services 03197-Tree Trimming Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0161-Salary Needs 0283-Rental - Vehicles 0389-0ther Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit TO• 001 - General Fund 03100-Parks & Rec Administtation 0211-Fees Architect 0261-Fire Insivazice 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0394-Office Furniture 031�1-Town Square Pazk Admin 0321-Horticulture/Plant Ma[erials 03102-Pazks & Rec Bldg. Maintenance 0117-Trades W/O City Benefits 0397-Shop Fquipment 0438-Fringe BeneSt 03103-Parks Commission Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0439-Fringe Benefit 03104-PazksBcRec Vehicle & Eqtip Sero 0341-Motor Fuel 0349-Other - Equipment 03108-Parks & Rec Support Serv • 0242-Printing-Riverprin[ 0439-Fringe Benefit CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 202,887 3,238 3,079 1,681 7,873 4,825 4,833 9,901 15,680 61,363 2,750 8,350 (5,513) (3,238) (3,079) (1,681) (�,5�) (4,382) (2,139) (1,346) (15,680) (5,552) (2,750) (2,35�) 197,374 0 0 0 32'7 443 2,694 8,555 0 55,811 0 6,000 417,000 43,689 13,020 483,154 20,904 5,762 (28,388) (35,000) (13,020) (44,000) (13,500) (4,200) 388,612 8,689 0 434,154 7,404 1,562 216,187 (60,904) 155,283 10,691 (7,216) 3,475 60,000 (29,074) 30,926 10,000 (10,000) 0 65,078 (21,452) 43,626 5,889,794 (1,281,928) 4,607,866 9,674 15,103 2,783 0 11,000 15,000 19,804 8,610 20,674 30,103 22,587 8,610 7,000 0 0 44,544 24,222 7,395 11,492 (22,254) 0 87,947 21,930 7,228 4,595 68,137 2,374 1,278 15,161 22,254 8,017 4,700 28,930 7,228 4,595 ll2,681 26,596 8,673 26,653 0 8,017 92,647 (continued on page 5) Page 4 • 03120-Como Conservatory O i l l-Full Time Permanent 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0315-Suppties Janitor 0439-Fringe Benefit 03122-Como Zoo 0215-Fces-Medical 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0299-Other-Misc. Services 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03124-Como Zoo & Conserv Heating 0141-Overtune 03126-Free Concerfs in City Pazks 0241-Printing 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 03131-Patks Security 0439-Fringe Benefit 03132-Parks Ground Maintenance 0131-Certified - Temporary 031>-Supplies Janitor 0322-Aggega[es-Sand 0389-Other Misc. Supplies 0396-Field Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit • 03133-Parks Permits Management 0370-Computer Ec{uipment 0396-Field Equipment 03135-SmalVSpecialized Equipment 0344-Parts for Velticles 0439-Fringe BeneSt 03140-Parks & Recreation Utilities 0371-Electricity 0373-Gas including Bottled 03170-E2ec Center Progr�mning 0132-Not Certified Temgorary �370-Computer Equipment Q394•Office Furniture �439-Fringe Benefit 03172-Rec Ctr Custodial & Maintenance 0131-Certified - Temporary 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0299-0therMisc. Services 0315-Supplies Janitor 0357-AttileticfRecreation 03S9-Other Misc. Supplies 039'7-Shop Equipment 0439-Fringe Benefit C , J CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 280,948 0 653 84,668 9,000 0 0 3,599 0 2,297 0 20,359 49,987 2,931 9,899 2Q021 6,695 4,SOD 3,280 9,202 15,771 562 135 1,635 33Q935 2,931 10,552 104,689 15,695 4,500 3,280 12,801 15,771 2,859 135 21,994 120,453 9,520 4,077 5,004 0 29Q569 � 1 50,778 112,291 74Q998 342,730 83,284 0 0 963,471 0 0 1,Q89 27,298 3,241 10,342 0 362,415 119,956 13,000 6,163 21,358 10,563 20,298 347 2,982 58,692 3,540 14,450 121,617 64,822 10,269 16,530 68,886 27,213 20,000 6,325 63,581 8,281 16,312 7,222 23,696 240,409 22,�20 10,240 26,362 10,563 310,867 347 2,982 109,470 115,831 755,448 464,347 148,106 10,269 16,530 1,032,357 27,213 20,000 7,414 90,879 11,522 26,654 7,Z22 386,111 �JoD aoi7 (continued on page 6) Page 5 • 03174-Muni Athletics Prograws 0357-A[hletic/Itecreation 03176-Rec Check Program 0219-Fees Other Professional Serv 0439-Fringe Benefit 03180-Seasonal Swimming/Beaches/pools 0521-Refunds 03181Azford Indoor Swimming Paol 0132-Not Certified Temporary 0315-Supplies Janitor 0439-Fringe Benefit 0521-Refunds 03195-Tree Maintenance Ol l l-Full Time Permanent 0389-0[her Misc. Supplies 0439-Fringe Benefit 0815-Desks-Chairs-Tables by: Departmrnt Director � ,r�ooao17 CURRENT BUDGET 2,050 0 8,059 365 11,712 2,500 28,986 200 APPROVED CSANGES 4,274 300 1,272 195 79,260 3,615 11,268 100 AMENDED BUDGET 6,324 300 9,331 560 90,972 6,115 40,254 300 900,020 61,873 961,893 1,863 4,301 6,164 284,402 52,846 337,248 0 1,815 1,815 4,957,147 1,281,928 6,239,075 �2� �� � � � 3� �/�! Date Approved by: D'vector of Financial Services Date (continued on page 7) Page 6 D�PARTM1:ENTTJFHCE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PFASON AND PNONE C �� /G/a ��� NO. �9Sfr�fJ ^ — — INITA4DATE INITIAL/pATE 'c Wittgenstein 266-6409 p �� 2 DEPAFiTMENTDIflECTOfl _CI7YCOUNGL nuMem aTVwTrow�Er 4 cirrc�xic MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE) a 3 RNANCl/LL SHiVICES DIR. � Deoartmerrt Accou�rtarvt MAYOR (OR ASSISTPNT) 5 OFS - Accountina TOTAL! OF 9GNATURE PAGES� fCl1P ALL IACATqM6 FOR SNIFlRTItip ACTON REDUESiED: Approvai of the attached Administrative Order which will transfer budget money to provide sufficient funding at the budgetary controi level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 2000 General Fund Budget (001). RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprave W or Reject 1R7 _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEHVICE COMMISSION CB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF DISTRICT LOUNGL SUPPOftTS WHICH COIINCI� OBJECTIVE� P9150NAL 56MCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWHt THE FOLLOWING WESTONS: 1. Has tha persoNfirm ever worketl under a convatt for this de0artment? VES NO 2. Has thia person/firm evtt been a city employce? VES NO 3. Does tlils persoNfirm pmama a sWll no[ nwmalty posseaetl by any cwreM city employeel YES NO Expen ell Ya+�M'en on sew� sheet eM aveeh ro 9reen sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITY MTO, Whet. VJhen. Where, WhYI: To provide adequate funding at the budgetary control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 2000 General Fund Budget (001 �. A�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Parks and Recreation's 2000 General Fund Budget (001) will have adequate funding at the budgetary control levels. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DiSADVANTqGES IF NOT APPROVFA: The Division of Parks and Recreation's 2000 Generai Fund Budget (001) will be overspent at the budgetary control levels. TOTFL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION FUNOINGSOURCE General Fund - 001 M FORMATION: � IEXPLAINI � ,■ i I1 DNTEINITINTFD � GREEN SHEET 3l20/01 COST/REYENUE BUDGEfm ICIpCIE ONEI YES NO ACi1NTYNUMe9t �V8f10US� H:\ W p\ 99G R SH\OOyeao001. wpd