D1743 White - City clerk CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dgpt. Canary— Qept_ ' OFFICE OF THE .MAYOR ^ _ No: � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER F�� W4 Date: L n l. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, THAT the Repartmsnt of public Works is hereby authorized and directed to construct an ornamental street lighting system, City project M-0573, on MARION STREET from University Avenue to Como Avenue, and be it FURTHER OR®EREI, that the construction be performed under contract and with City Forces at an estimated cost, including Engineering and Inspection, of $12,752.56 and that this amount be financed by the Utilities Unallocated Reserve of the 1953 Second United Improvement Bond Fund previously transferred to this project, (Council File No. 263676, June 14, 1974) . APPROVED AS TO ORM City A torn y e4ment d RHR i Date Administrativ Assis ant to Mayor