D1690 White — City clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L Pink , — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: `� d ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NOV 2 2 914 • Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of improving DALE STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to Simon Avenue, City Project No. P-0490A, as follows: Regrade and pave DALE STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to Simon Avenue by widening the roadbed, construct concrete curb and gutter, driveways where necessary, an ornamental lighting system, storm sewer drainage facilities, reconstruct concrete walks, reconstruct a traffic control system, landscape boulevards and do all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. The Report of the Department of Public Works, dated November 12, 1974, is hereby approved. The Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to schedule this project for a public hearing before the City Council . • APPROVED AS T FORM y i tant ity tt r y Daniel J. DU n f0 rd Partment Head (Pa v) • Date Admin' rve sistan to Mayor t CHIIEF ENGR `5O�8 c3O11al O � l irk» P CLERICAL__�"'r' 234 City Hall & Court House 0'5007 07 DA I I EL J Du`1 F0RD Oi rector of , ub I i c '4ori;s July 251, 1373 ono r_:b l e La•,rence C. Col.en iiayor of gal Paul 34! C. -y aI ' : P--0430AR DALE STREET - Minnehaha Ave. to Simon Ave. Dear :,ayor Cohen: This l°tcer constitutes t a report _rd recommendation Of the Department Of PU�-' 1 iC llOrk-S concerning an investigc;ion of acquiring righht-Of--'.vay on tid • East side of Dale Street fron llinne"sha Avenue to Simon Avenue, for the proposed widening, and paving Of Dale Stre=et. Attach-ad for exz_ut"ion by your office is an Administrative Order approvinq this rep,-;t and the schac+ul ing of a Ccunci 1 hearing. PI-ans of the propos;ad right-of—.,Jay are attached c: part o< this report. 1 . ESTI":P,% � OF COST 1` "c a, Property Acquisition $471 ,cn.00 ,, i C A.L 5475,000-00 I 1 . CS T 1:"L,,TED 1 ii r.:')C 1 -3 \ ' 19"4 M.S.A. Funds $475,000.00 T 0i In'L $47"000.00 1 1 i E X I S T I'.'G CO'iDIT10:*S i;,e project, as proposed by the Department of Public lorks, is to acquire_ roug^1y 30 fe t of ri' St-of-.;a; ;on the East side of Dale St.) from niena„a Ave. to the near Dale Sz. Eridgz, 76 f:_t of right-of-way from Topping St. to Burgess St. , 5" Faet of right-of-way from Burgess St. to • Coro Ave. and 35 feet of right-o=-way fro., Con-,-o Ave. to Hatch Ava. The exi 3 tirig roa,-'.1ay is 44 Feet 'Aide w'; ,."I avera92 daily traffic of was co:, 's llctcd in 1'-"'7-0 over the Buri in gtoi, northern oilrU3 � t0 311tiCi.,-Mie tnc -, Utl!,--2 ,-/Id-nins of Cale Street. Tile -!e,..i a �! -1 b r i -�c- .,j i d th, is feet ',-/i t h 5 i diewa 11 k s (-,n e --' Std T,'i e i n i n g, and ra r�i n a fro:-, II nn a h a 'Ave. 1.-0 Siri,,on Ave. was origi,-.311- Dart of an overall prograim to upgrade Dole St. fron Ashland L to SiF-0-- ^ve. Jt because of r2cent cutbacks in Federal '-Ioni a s i t i 11 be nec-e-35ary to repro g rai th.e se j ctions froi Ashland ".ve. to I -S 5,L ar,--4 zIroT.,1 U;niversity to :'We. ; the Sect ion fron S. 141 to Univer3it,,., is scha,;tiled 'or Even ,,;itr, re3cheduling of �/-r ce r'-Z:.1 n s`2ct i ons 3 projec'. -,.i i u t i I i ze th-- anti re bri c!ge width wcra35e --� f i C. LI tra i c capact t"." :I'niclh is Projected to be. 20,000 vehicles Per r-43,,l in 2-'1 years, a:Id fla!-e a much needed jr -3 F e ,ji)ro .- t It tl� COMO-i-ront inter:3ection. F P R 0 DO` ? T T-hz ccirstruction , is for U76, will consist of three lanes i.-, each direction with bot,7 right and lest turn slots and 3 center V1 . J'E D"'IT I ON The C--part7.ant of Pj'-I! ic 1111orks feels th3t this is a n---!C:essary ald jrth- -JL'i 1 Pi-0-1;act and t-3 i t 5'no,-,lid be p-es en t'd to 4b ci t n v ne i mee-,i n gs CLI M! na t at a public hearing before City very truly, Daniel J. Dun-Fora CL-1/.--%j Vbp Director of Pub ic Ci ist rj-.or cc: 3 ter iiur t I ay •