D1661 White - city Cierk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR D A ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER hh�� DateN O y�/ 6 �w4 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The final costs for the opening and widening of Burns Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street, Finance Department Contract L-7575 have been determined and, WHEREAS, Upon final allocation of funds from which the above im- provement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional amount of $3,630.00 will be required, therefore be it, ORDERED, That the amount of $3,630.00 be applied from the Public Works Contingency Fund to finance the additional cost of the above improvement. P-0495 R • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: i/k ? Dir ctor of Finance Management S rvices ch APPROVED TO FORM ^� Assistan City Attorney Depart ent H2ad (KCN) Date Adminis tiv' sis ant to Mayor