D1640 White - city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR w No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NOV v 1 1914 Da e: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, THAT the Department of Public Works is hereby directed and authorized to reconstruct the traffic control signals at the following intersections: Concord Street and Robert Street; Concord Street, State Street and George Street; Montreal Avenue and Snelling Avenue; Ford Parkway and Fairview Avenue; Lexington Parkway and Grand Avenue; Lexington Parkway and Summit Avenue; Lexington Parkway and Selby Avenue; Lexington Parkway and Marshall Avenue; Como Avenue and Rice Street; Como Avenue, Lafond Avenue and Penn Avenue; Rice Street and Sycamore Street; Rice Street and Front Street; and Rice Street and Maryland Avenue, and be it FURTHER Ordered, that the reconstruction be performed under contract and with City Forces at an estimated cost of $107,000.00 and charge this cost to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from Trunk Highway Funds $36,800.00, Municipal State Aid Funds $55,460.00, County Aid Funds $7,370.00 and Capital Improvement Funds $7,370.00. T-1022A • APPROVED AS TO FORM As S thtantUty A Trn4y FDe(�Itrnent Head RHR J Date Administrat' a Afsistk t to Mayor