D1638 White - City clerk CITY OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR D—I&SR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: NOV 1 1914 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, THAT the Department of Public Works is hereby directed and authorized to replace and modify the traffic control signals at the following intersections: Rice Street and Sycamore Street; Rice Street and Front Street; Rice Street and Maryland Avenue; Rice Street and Wheelock Parkway, and be it FURTHER Ordered, that the Department of Public Works is hereby directed and authorized to replace the traffic control signal interconnect cable on East Seventh Street from Payne Avenue to •Forest Street, and be it FURTHER Ordered, that this work be constructed by City Fortes at an estimated cost of $54,000.00 and charge this work to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from Trunk Highway Funds $26,800.00, Municipal State Aid Funds, $10,000.00, County Aid Funds $2,300.00 and Capital Improvement Bond Funds $15,300.00. T-1023C • APPROVED S TO FORM 4Y( r y Assis nt Cety to ey apartment Head RHR J � Date Administ ive Stan to Mayo