D1630 White .- City Clerk CITY. OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Financepept. O Canary— err 1.fi.��k lirl l� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER OCT G n � Date: i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, to purchase as patented items without competitive bids COMPOUND METERS from WILLIAMS SALES - 7615 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 over a six (6) month period for the Water Department as folhowst 1 (or more) - 3" Hersey Model MCT Bronze Compound Water Meter, less flanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 822.00 Each 1 (or more) - 4" Hersey Model MCT Bronze Compound Water Meter, less flanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,280.00 Each 1 (or more) - 6" Hersey Model MCT Bronze Compound Water Meter, less flanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,524.00 Each 1 (or more) - 8" x 4" Hersey Model MFM-MCT Detector Fire Service Meter, less flanges. . . . . . . . . . . . $4,280.00 Each 1 (or more) - 10" x 6" Hersey Model MFM-MCT Detector Fire Service Meter, less flanges. . $6,705.00 Each These meters are compatible with the existing equipment and are patented items which are available only from WILLIAMS SALES. Letter 10/21/74 Codes 80000,000,000 DIRECTOR - FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES APPRO AS TO FORM t at-,ez z; fi. .t City Attorney Department Head Date Administ r12�Ay 4/j tot Mayor