D1616 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR ATa: LL��[J I Y J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date:n CI T /. 2 1974 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The final costs for construction of a traffic signal at the south- east corner of Seventh St. and Wacouta St., Finance Department Contract L-7535-1 have been determined and, WHEREAS, Upon final allocation of funds from which the above im- provement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional amount of $163.71 will be required, therefore be it, ORDERED, That the amount of $163.71 be applied from the Public Works Contingency Fund to finance the additional cost of the above improvement. P-0552 • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: ,W Director of Finance Management Services L APPROVED AS TO FORM 9 n _Assislq' t City Attorney ( epartment Head Date y Adminisfrative Assistant to Mayor bjh