D1608 White - city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAVE Pink Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR / No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date CT 1 6� 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS the Minnesota Foundation has agreed to grant the Library Aides and Grants Account of the City of St. Paul the sum of $10,000, and WHEREAS this grant will help to finance the salary of a Library Technician I to staff a Communications Media Center of the St. Paul Public Library, and WHEREAS the Center will be used for the purpose of developing videotape services for the Library, and WHEREAS the St. Paul Public Library agrees to the terms and conditions of the grant, BE IT THEREFORE ORDERED, that the proper city officials be authorized to sign the above grant, to receive funds from the Minnesota Foundation in accordance with the terms of the grant, and to post the position of Library Technician I in order to staff a Communications Media Center in the St. Paul Public Library. • APPROVED, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Director l0Af' APPRO AS 0e: of c Assist t City Attorney epar a Hea Date Administrativ si t to Mayor