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White - city clerk CITY OF SAINT PA U E Pink — Finance Dept. Cahary— Oept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: l(� J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: 4 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , Maintenance Agreement No. 1696 (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) between the City and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, providing for City maintenance of trunk highways within the City limits for which the State will pay the City $1 ,250 per equivalent lane mile; and be it further ORD9RED, that the total reimbursement to the City for such routine maintenance work, estimated at a sum of $249,200.00 to be credited as follows : $ 84,200.00 To Miscellaneous Revenue 165,000.00 To Street Repair and Cleaning Assessment Fund 42310 • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Director of Fin nce and Management Services dh APPROVED AS TO F�R ^Assistant City Attorney,.._ ` V apartment Head (MJE) �v Date r / dministrative Assi t to ayor MINNESOTA HIGHWAY D:PA_RT4t:-IiT • ROUTINE MADT2WICE AGRr�r.•+.ENT P.REPARZED by AG.RME-MNT NO. r:azl":T hIaC , S:ECTIAM 1696 AGREalEl`iT L'ri'4:IEN THE STATE OF MINNESCTA, DEPARDtENT OF LiIG i:lAi�$. AND CITY CF ST. PALZ FOR • Routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highway(s) within the corporate limits of the :Municipality upon the terms and conditions set forth in this agreenent. AINCIL'PiT ETdCL;:3. 52499 200.CO Maintenanc* Agreement No, 1696 Maintenance Agreement between the State of Minnesota and the City of St. Paul Trunk Highways in St. Paul A C R E S M R N T YlYY Y Y Y Y � THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of Highways, hereinafter referred to as- the "State", and the City ofSSt. Paul, hereinafter referred. to as the "Municipality", WITNESSETHe WHEREAS pursuant to Minnesota Session Laws, 1959, Chapter 500 - H.F. No. 38, Article II, Section 38, ths' parties desire to enter into an agreement relating to the maintenance of trunk highway(s) within the corporate limits of the Munic- ipality upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES DO AGREE AS FOLLOLS: I • The Municipality will during the Fiscal Year of 1975, July 19 1974 thru June 30, 1975, maintain those portions of the trunk highway(s) within the cor- porate limits of the Municipality particularly described as follows, to-wit: Trunk Highway No. 5 The following 5.24 miles of trunk highway consisting of 23.64 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Ainnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6201; beginning at Wheeler Avenue and West .Seventh Street; thence northeast on Rest Seventh Street to Ramsey Street; thence on Ramsey Street to Sherman Street; thence on Sherman Street to Exchange Street; thence on Exchange Street to Kellogg Boule- vard; thence on Kellogg Boulevard to 11abasha Street; and the following 1.24 miles of trunk highway consisting of 5.69 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6218; beginning; at Wabasha Street and Kellogg Boulevard; thence on Kellogg Boulevard to Mounds Boulevard . . . . . . . . . . • 29.33 Equiv. Lane Miles Trunk Highway No. 12 The following 0.20 wile on Eleventh and Twelfth Streets between Jackson and Robert Streets is equivalent to 1.56 lane miles; the following 0.51 mile of trunk highway consisting of 2.60 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Hillhway Department records as a • portion of Control Section 6217; beginning at Eleventh Street and Robert Street, thence north and northwest on 1 of 7 ' Trunk Highway No. 12 Robert Street to University Avenua; thence on University (Continued) Avenue to Rice Street, and the following 5.20 miles of • trunk highway consisting; of 39.24 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6208; beginning at University Avenue and Rice Street; thence west on University Avenue to the West Municipality Limits. . . . . . . 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • 43.40 Equiv. Lane Miles Trunk Highway No, 49 The following 2.48 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.82 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6213; beginning at the North Municipality Limits and Rice Street; thence south on Rice Street to University Avenue; and the following 0.85 mile of trunk highway consisting. of 4.87 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6231; beginning at Seventh Street and Wabasha Street northbound; thence northwest on Wabasha Street to the north frontage road of Interstate 94; thence on north frontage road to St. Peter Street; also beginning at Seventh Street and St. Peter Street southbound; thence northwest on St. Peter Street to the north frontage road on Interstate 94; thence beginning at St. Peter Street and the north frontage road of Interstate 94; thence northwest on the north frontage road of Interstate 94 to John Ireland Boulevard; thence north on Rice Street to University Avenue; • and the following 0.52 mile of trunk highway consisting of 2.57 equivalent lane rAles., and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6233; beginning at Ninth Street and Hain Street; thence on Main Street to West Seventh Street; thence on Vest Seventh Street to Ramey Street; and the following 1.52 miles of trunk highway consisting of 4.32 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6223; beginning at West Seventh Street and Smith Avenue; thence on Smith Avenue to the South Municipality Limits . . . . • , 4 • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . 22.10 Equiv. Lane Miles Trunk Highway No. 51 The following 6.11 miles of trunk highway consisting of 32.15 equivalent lane stiles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as-Control Section No. 6215; beginning at North Municipality Limits and Snelling Avenue; thence south on• Snelling Avenue to Montreal Avenue; thence east on Montreal Avenue to West Seventh Street . . • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . 32.15 Equiv. Lane titles Trunk Highway No, 52 The following 2.56 miles of trunk highway consisting of 10.52 equivalent lane mile®, and designated in the Minne- sota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6217; beginning at the South Municipality Limits and Robert Street; thence north and northwest on Robert Street to Ilth Street (South Frontage Road of T.H. 35E). . . . . • • 10.52 Equiv. Lane Miles 2of7 Trunk Highway No. 56 The following 0.81 mile of trunk highway consisting of • 3.36 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6219; beginning at the South Municipality Limits and Concord Street; thence northwest on Concord,Street to Lafayette Street. .3.36-Equiv. Lane Miles Trunk Highway No. 61 The following; 3.32 miles of trunk highway consisting of 13.88 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6221; beginning at the Junction of Interstate 94 and Mounds Boulevard (near Bates Avenue); thence northwest on Mounds Boulevard to East Seventh Street; thence northeast on East Seventh Street to Arcade Street; thence north on Arcade Street to North Municipality Limits • . 13.88 Equiv. Lane Miles Trunk Highway No. 212 The following 3.02 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.29 equivalent lane miles; and designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6229; beginning at the East Municipality Limits of East Minnehaha Avenue; thence west on Last. Minnehaha Avenue to East Seventh Street; thence southwest on East Seventh Street to Arcade Street; and the following 6.66 miles of trunk highway consisting of 34.29 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minresota State .Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6228_; beginning at Mounds • Boulevard and East Seventh Street; thence southwest on East Seventh Street to Sibley Street.; thence west on Sibley Street to Eighth Street; thence southwest on Eighth Street to Ninth Street; thence west on Ninth Street. to Summit Avenue; thence southwest on Summit Avenue to Marshall Avenue; thence *rest on Iarshall Avenue to the West End Of the Mississippi. River Bridge; also beginning at Summit Avenue and Marshall Avenue; thence southwest on Summit Avenue to Dayton Avenue; thence west on Dayton Avenue to Victoria Street; thence north on Victoria Street to Marshall Avenue; also beginning at the Junction of Kellogg Boulevard, Summit Avenue and Dayton Avenue; thence south- easterly on Kellogg Boulevard to West Fifth Street; thence southeasterly on West Fifth Street to West Seventh Street; thence northeasterly on West Seventh Street and East Seventh Street to Sibley Street 43.58 Equiv, Lane pines Trunk Highway No. 13 The following 0.39 mile of trunk hirhway. consisting of 1.04 equivalent lane miles, and designated in the Minnesota State highway Department records as Control Section No. 1902; beginning at the Junction with Trunk Highway No, 49; thence westerly 0.39 mile on the South Line of Ramsey County. . . 1.04 Equiv, Lane Miles Grand Total, 19906 Equiv, Lane I-Liles • 3 of 7' II • The maintenance to be performed by the Municipality on the aforesaid trunk highway(s) shall consist of the followings (a) Maintain the aforesaid portions of trunk highways(s) so as to keep the same smooth and in good repair for the pasnage of traffic and free from all obstructions and impediments to traffic. This said maintenance shall include all necessary preventative maintenance to preserve the roadbed in its present existing condition, including but not limited to proper and timely crack dealing of the surface, restoration of utility openings, and all necessary patching of the roadbed. (b) Keep the aforesaid portions of trunk highway(s) reasonably free and clear from ice, snow, and debris all months of the year and undertake proper ice and snow control expeditiously. (d) Maintain traffic control devices and signals, and place and provide such roadway markings and lane stripings as may be necessary on the aforesaid portions of trunk highway(s), except that the Stan+ will place, install and maintain at all times suitable route markers for the guidance .of traffic on such trunk highway(s) (e) Furnish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies, tools, and other Items necessary (except those items specifically to be provided for above by the State) for the performance of all and any of the work provided for in this agreement. III The aforesaid trunk highway(s) shall be jointly inspected periodically, and at least quarterly, by the District Engineer, or the Area Maintenance Engineer, or their authorized representative and by the Municipality's City Engineer to , review the adequacy of the maintenance work Which has been performed. IV It, however, shall not be the obligation of the Municipality under this agreement to do any work which shall consist of extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction, or reconstruction, In the event that the State should desire the Municipality to do any of such work the parties will enter into a separate agreement therefor. V All materials used by the Municipality in the performance of the work hereunder shall conform to the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated January 1, 19729 and as amended by Supplemental Specifications., dated January 1, 1974. VI • The State will pay to the Municipality the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($19250.00) per Equivalent Lane Mile (Equivalent Lane Miles are equal 4 of 7 to the trunk highway width in feet between the curbs time length of trunk highway In miles divided by a lane width of twelve (12) feet) for the Fiscal Year 1975 for the performance of the work and labor and the furnishing of materials as hereinbefore set forth on the trunk highway(s) hereirbefore particularly set forth. Fractional . miles and fractional months, if any, will be used in computing the amounts pay- able under this agreement. Payments under this agreement shall be made on a quarterly basis and as soon after respective dates of October 10 January 1, April 1 and July 1 as may be possible, upon the submission by the Municipality to the State of a detailed cost analysis listing all labor, materials and equipment used during the quarter and a certificate in triplicate, approved by the Area Maintenance Engineer of the State, certifying that all work has been done during the period for which paymant is to be made, in full conformity with this agreement. VII The Municipality may partially block said highway(s) .within its corporate limits at such times as it becomes necessary for the performance of the services ender this agreement, and in cases of emergency, where it is required, such highway(s) may be wholly blocked and the passage of traffic thereon prevented by the Municipality. At no time, however, shall the Municipality continue to obstruct. the free passage of traffic on said highway(s) for a longer period of time than is. reasonably required for making the necessary repairs thereon. The Municipality may also close to travel said highway(s) at such time as it is necessary for the repair or installation of water or gas mains, electric or telephone cables, or sewers, but .except in extraor- dinary emergencies, the Municipality shall first give the Commissioner of Highways ten (10) days' written notice and obtain a permit before commencing or allowing the Commencement of such installation or repairs. However, the Municipality shall not Cause any portions of said highway(s) which it is to maintain hereunder to be closed to traffic for any reasons other than those above set forth and in.no event for a time longer than shall be necessary. In the event of the total blocking or closing of any such trunk highways) the Municipality shall provide,a suitable detour during such time. VIII Upon a change in the routing of said ltighway(s), or any substitution of a new route for any above described, or upon any variation whatsoever from the present location of said highway(s) by the State, the Municipality shall, maintain the new highway(s) in accordance with this agreem*nt during; such period of substitution, and shall be paid therefor the amount to which it Is entitled in accordance with the terms of this agreement, to be determined by figuring the lane mileage of the new routes and paying for maintenance thereof the sum of One Thouaand Two IIundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) per Equivalent Lane Mile for such mileage, including fractions thereof, for the Fiscal Year of 1975 and prorated according; to months of use. Should any portion of the above described highway(s) be relocated by the State, and the present location revert to the Municipality, the Zluni.cipality will maintain that portion at ita sole expense. 5 of 7 Ix • Upon the failure of the Municipality to perform any of the work named herein under the terms of this agraement, then the Commissioner of Highways may do and perform such work or cause it to be dons and performed, and may retain from any moneys then due to the Municipality under this agreement, or thereafter becoming due, any such amount as is required for the completion of such work, provided, however, that this paragraph shall not be construed to relinquish any rights of action which may accrue in behalf of the State as against the Munici- pality for any breach of agreement. When the Commissioner of Highways has with- drawn any payment or payments under the terms of this agreement because of in- adequate maintenance work, and the work is subsequently made adequate by the Municipality, than the Municipality will be credited with an amount equal to the value of the completed work based upon the agreed price per mile per year. Z It is further understood that all persons working on such highways) are employees of the Municipality or of third persons and in no way employed by the State, provided, however, that this clause shall not apply to.persons employed directly by the Highway Department. All contracts and agreements wade by the Municipality with third parties for. the performance of any work to be done under this agreement shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and comply with all State Laws and requirements relating to construction and maintenance contracts, Including the payment of labor rates which are part of the Labor Provisions normally Included in the proposals for such contracts, a copy of which is attached to this agreement, and a clause to that effect shall be inserted in all such contracts. • ZI The parties do further agree, anything to the contrary herein notwithstand- ing, that the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Niinnesota,. either in his individual or official capacity, shall not be personally responsible or liable In any manner to the Municipality for any claim, demand, action, or causes of action of any kind or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of this agreement or the negligent, performance and completion of the work and improve- ments provided for herein or arising out of any contract let by the Municipality for the performance of any of the work provided for herein. XII The provisions of M.Se 181.59 and of any applicable local ordinance relating to Civil Rights and discrimination shall be considered a part of this contract as If fully set forth herein. nil This agreement shall not be construed as a relinquishment by the Commissioner Of Highways of any powers or control he may have over the hereinbefore described streets or highway(s). 6 of 7 IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, the State and the Municipality have caused these •presents to be executed by their respective officers. Recommended for Approval : CITY OF AUL By / By 9-, , Ma Approved as to Form: (Sea]) 6A) By " Assistant ty At orn y Director of Finance" & Management �7S'6 a! Services DEPARTMENT OF HIG WAYS STATE OF MINNESOTA •Recommended for Approval : By\,c l Deputy Comiissioner of Highways v By , 7i �rL �� Date lY C� / �t 7 Area Maintenanc/Engineer By Approved: District Engineer By COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION A taut Commissioner 1 Appy as to Form and Execution: By Authori zed Signature ate an s s i,6 tan t orney Genera t3y HARLAND J. ©L,3014 NOV 13 19 74 White"— City Clark CITY OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finence Dept. CeharY— DF•u: OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR _ No: D 15 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized -and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , Maintenance Agreement No. 1606 (a copy of which is attached hereto and "incorporated herein by reference) between the City and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, providing for City maintenance of trunk highways within the City limits for which the State will pay the City $1 ,250 per equivalent lane mile; and be it further ORDERED, that the total reimbursement to the City for such routine maintenance work, estimated at a sum of $249,200.00 to be credited as follows: $ 84,200.00 To Miscellaneous Revenue 165,000.00 To Street Repair and Cleaning Assessment .Fund 42310 • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: �tl! 7C r/i � � � Director of Finance and Management Services h APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant City Attorney vDepartment Head (MJE) Date --- Administrative Assist• t tu .tayor • STATE OF MLT 3;ES(.)T ) County of ss. CITY OF SAMT PAUL ) I� Rose Mix,_ City Clerk of the i:ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby c-erti fy • that the attached copy of Administrative Order No. D_1568 is a true and correct copy of said original on file in cry office. WITNESS my h?^d and the seal of the City of Saint retit2, Mir-n., this _7th ._ day of October--- A.D. to 74 — - - Ci • SPATE FUNDS CONTRACT . May 1,1974' SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION A A-1 GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS The State of Minnesota Department of Highways"Standard Specifications for Highway Construction"dated January 1, 1972, and the"Required Contract Provisions,Federal-Aid Construction Contracts"as included herein,shall apply on this Contract except as modified or altered in the following Special Provisions. A-2 LABOR PROVISIONS In addition to the"Required Contract Provisions-Federal-Aid Construction Contracts"the following provisions shall apply to all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the work embraced by the Contract. The Contractor shall have copies of these Labor Provisions on file at his local job headquarters and shall post a notice,approved by the Engineer,in a conspicuous place at the site of the work,informing his employees that these provisions are available for their inspection. Copies of.these provisions can be secured from the State without charge. A-2.1 EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFICATIONS All employees on the project shall be classified as being in one of the following four categories,in accordance with the definitions given: (1) Executive or Administrative: Employees in this category shall be classified in accordance with the definitions for Executive and Administrative employees as adopted by the Secretary of Labor,and in effect at the time of invitation for bids. (2) Skilled: Skilled labor shall include the operators of complex,heavy power equipment and skilled craftsmen at the journeymen grade. (3) Intermediate grade: Intermediate grade labor shall include(a)operators of power equipment except:complex,heavy power equipment,trucks of 1% tons or less(manufacturer's rated capacity),tractors of less than 20 horsepower(manufacturer's rated capacity)and passenger cars;and (b)persons performing any other labor which requires considerable training and experience. (4) Unskilled: Unskilled labor shall include(a)operators of trucks of 1V2.tons or less(manufacturer's rated capacity),operators of tractors of less than 20 horsepower(manufacturer's rated capacity)and operators of passenger cars;and(b)helpers to journeyman craftsmen and all other labor which requires no special skill or experience or the exercise of discretion and independent judgement. A-2.2 LABOR INFORMATION In the selection of labor,the contractor may avail himself of the services of the Minnesota State Employment Service. A-2.3 MINIMUM WAGE RATES The Minimum Hourly Rates required to be paid the various laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the work embraced by the contract shall be an amount equal to the sum of the basic hourly wage rates plus applicable fringe benefits as noted in the schedule of wages attached hereto,these wage rates having been determined by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry pursuant to Chapter 724,H.F.No.134,Laws of 1973 as those prevailing on the same type of work on similar construction in the area in which the project is located. During-the period from the time an hourly employee is required to report for duty at the site of the work until such time that he is released or permitted to leave the site of the work,no deduction shall be made from his time for any delays of less than 30 consecutive minutes. In the event the Contractor employes apprentice workmen under the occupational training program of the State of Minnesota,Department of Education,or under the Division of Voluntary Apprenticeship of the State of Minnesota,Department of Labor and Industry,or under the Veterans Training Program of the U.S.Veterans Administration,he may pay rates to such apprentice workmen at hourly rates approved by the appropriate governmental agency regardless of the Minimum Hourly Rates specified in the Schedule to be paid to any classification of labor. A Contractor or Subcontractor may discharge his Minimum Hourly Rate obligation as defined above by,(1)making cash payments to the employee plus payments to an employee fringe benefit program,funded or unfunded;that is established by collective bargaining agreements;the sum of which is equal to the Minimum Hourly Rate,or(2)making payments in cash to the employee in the amount equal to the Minimum Hourly Rate. While the rates shown are the Minimum Hourly Rates required for the life of this contract,this is not a representation that labor can be obtained at these rates.It is the responsibility of bidders to inform themselves as to local labor conditions and prospective changes or adjustments of wage rates.No increase in the contract price shall be allowed or authorized on account of payment of rates in excess of those listed herein. All cash payments due to mechanics and laborers employed or working upon the site of the work shall be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week,and without subsequent deductions or rebate on any account,regardless of any contractural relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor or subcontractor and such laborers and mechanics. The Schedule shall be kept posted by the contractor at the site of the work in a conspicuous place where it can be easily seen by the workers. The State.Highway Department may withhold or cause to be withheld from the contractor so much of the amounts due the contractor as may be considered necessary to insure payment to laborers and mechanics employed by the contractor or any subcontractor on the work the M amount of the Minimum Hourly Rates required by the Contract. A-2.4 DELETIONS The Required Contract Provisions-"Federal-Aid Construction Contracts",are further modified by the deletion of the following portions thereof: • (1) Paragraph 4 of Section 1."Application". (2) Section IV."Payment of Predetermined Minimum Wage Rates". (3) Paragraphs 1;2;3;4,and all but the last sentence of paragraph 5d of Section V."Statements and Payrolls". (4) Section VI."Record of Materials,Supplies and Labor". (5) Paragraph 1 of Section VII."Subletting or Assigning the Contract". 1-p d tJbpnnn nn nnnnnnnow tnmty7c,to ro •, n tr' CC C 0 O a 0 n 0 '+D n r• H y O O r••W./••r ''}} '•77 i 7 1••r•gg rr rr N rr rr rr W N ,q A r a tf 7 it A 1-•R J'U'J U C.O J n fat tf g n ro I`[• i� n n W 7 n R n f. G G r• A G H 1u H H N H n lu 7 7 7 7 f"x v 0 0 0 x-I J 7 It { L f: O C: d A N O A W w 1• tj r. O O•< 0 O 1�+ H (•L f n In f•n � n ( t-'A n w R it R C: It r•F•w w V F, r•to u'. It u•'7,� •� r :/•7^7 rl rr r•J n H m n N p,r• _ -n rt rr ,ry t� Ct O G fi 3 O m,C .Y c .: n w 0 rS! S 1) fJ it •1 L) �'I' 13 Y•9 u) h h+ o J .7 rr t: 7 tJ n r R t4 W G ;•t.Q n'r It r 'i '1 1••O 0 O D � 1 a 0 `•1 w H _ = fr l•• 'y • O 1: C C r A 6 J n U r! d < N f W ►' b'�. 7 J G H cr £ y'7 ,I 7'L1 L1 L1 -i O O M d 7'Y••D7' j G S n rt A rl U rr rr r R �• 1-' rs`-•b tv M`< r• 7't••It 0 U n 0. 1± t•0 G r• t.' 7 It to i 8 i rr p R 7 ~tr n a O A 7 O " 7 rt y ar N O H It O rt 7 ^^7 rt rt V rt O Li h M K n n SD O n L n W 7 /•,J W O 1-•fD v Fj ^ < 7 ^'1 ri .: f Q u1 r1 =t o r] '0 l G tl x Lt p rJ U G l'+ •+ h It ! rj n n n n atr n :D A f) ~'t :1 K v n 7 V n ii tt R r ri a R �� K v H n Cr '1 7c'`�(D fL r> I'•Vi •L•rt rs n n tJ L rr ti rr o I••K•9 r b N^. 7 • n ty v 7 (1 - L E 't1 o n n C ' n H V K a _ m ~ R O -�O A O'0 L •t rl G rs ,y rs O 0 0 It 7 p n N :r r•rr G ID pp n ;j 'n <'0 3 K a _ t1 T i n M•U p CL q 0 0 tf rr r i H t A R O O M rn H n ° 'O' R •f N 1•• to t G 0.,1: r • 0 't I t' a rt...,y Ci rr r^ o r• A < W.t+. H G O tf < n n r :r n H h•t: a rn d 7: f S 7 rr fL A R O It r-0 3 H 0 0 0 1) 0 O IT it r. JGd < � w JH THn 0 � r! £ fS • 0 07 3vrtsrrrr y pw •) N itt X 0 rr'0 R rr 7 4 ? R r_t, It r•- :r 0 M I. 1 n N y r71 d 0 (�D y. d W 'd G K G 0 ~ro a O w:f IA R R O°r p r 1.0 0 .. 7 1'+ O I t K � '"' oGO �'O :l 1n M G • r O H L7 7 •O I•• o ro rt p ri M H O n.t' m m tD n R••. O ,r. n 7 O w w v'ro G , 'OY U T Wt (' rt ta,. W n n N.n n r+ $ O n tf n rt a rt r'1 n n rr H Y r•-'r. tt E ►•n 7 H N T• J It b O r G G x Orr r. 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C+] \Nl1 ON%.nvl��O%11 O C m •O p►1 ((oho m O m y p 7•J ►SHry+77r!►i 09 A L,G Xw Nr }I:1 • m6 m w 0r NPtOm rm fah r rA CD �ydtOm np • m00 m r R •A m t. 0 MP• OO y i m N N x pOF1 ° M o P' •y a c ct o c+ a O ro 1.O r m 0 K 44 ,V R : y tY rb d g r-3 d In R mP N . •1 e.o d M 7 y tD V A V A w O m O a r p m s;G Tw 0 O1�p p W 0 p � •t a n v N w m tp 01 E n c 0 0 y H E� m W ar o ro a n�) N p C J n x p •�f - n pO'V t+tr pO•�trn y [�\Y(\•'\f Vp\'+ c' d• in1 .yt 5 n my CC5 O Kam 11•f►fHh11 `' N11H C GR, • GC m sr y' •'��i 0 V a 0 • • C10 • 9D C1 tt n n w 0 Hy - - Nt O R •n7 Do N•to A H M .O - N mn N tY C fw+ d0C m y r rp.X K n 00 r 001 N0� o m W bb tl . .'N 0 p A n n O O\ r • �n0 VV`dV`dN r hi mR0 of O cl y •4 " K a yn� Ra w p3Oloco(0-4 d p go G O O vii Vii O�vit tao ry � � ' p• p p• m p yy►d7�J�jy _ t STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 55155 November 14, 1974 1.'. RIclard A. Schaarr Public System Chief City* of St. Paul 234 City Hall & Court House St- Paz ., Mitmesote 55 haintenance Agreement No. 1696 City of St. Fw. Routine Maintenance - F.Y. 1975 Dear i" I'r SC rr: .anclosed is the Cityfs Q: ., fW.%y +l:Xe sited, of the referea-med agreement covering routine raLintwIance of trunk highways withblt the corporate city limits for Fiscal Lear .1975. Printip€zl 144wi eer a�slntamnee C erations inelosure . Corr of r4 gent No. 1696 cc: Rose I-`x, City Clerk z,.'