D1532 White - City Clerk No. Pink - Finance Dept. P 9 1974 Cianary « Dept. Accounting Date Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as the MARYLAND-GALTIER RELIEF SERER known as Contract L- 7660 , City Project No..73-5-099 , McDonald & associates, Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: Extra work required by unforeseen field conditions and a minor error in plans. The field conditions consist of unfavorable foundation conditions at various locations and the plan error involves the mislocation of a sanitary sewer service. All extra work as documented on the attachments. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $?.440.02 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 7660 , and which amount is to be financed from: Sever Repair Fund - 22201. APPRO D TO�ORM 19 M 0c>N ill + A Ssa tN � . A sis nt 't At Contractor e, 1 97�_ By )6 ngi r 67 , _ 19 Ch' ngin_ee Head of Department of Fi ce �} ` 2 - 3 1924-- alK S /L7L'Director of dministrative Ass' ant to the Mayor MARYLAND-GALTIER RELIEF SEWER - Project No. 73-S-0998 - Contractor, McDonald & Assoc. • E�'RA WORK - Attachment No. 1 Location: Maryland Avenue near Western Avenue Reason for Extra Work: A sanitary sewer connection was shown in an incorrect location on the clan. the contractor was to reconnect the service and had to excavate an extra location. Force Account: Labor: 1 Pipe Layer 1 hr. @ $7.45 - $ 7•45 1 John Deere Operator 1 hr. @ 8. 85 - 8.85 2 Laborers 2 hr. @ 7.15 - 1+. 30 2 Compressor Operators 2 hr. @ 7.45 - 1+.90 2 Foremen 2 hr. @ 8.25 - 16.50 $62.00 + 4o% 24.8o $86.80 Equipment: • 2 125Compressors 2 hr. @ $3.00 - $ 6.00 2 Jack Hammers 2 hr. @ 0.50 - 1.00 1 John Deere B.H. 1 hr. @ 12.00 - 12.00 19.00 Saw Concrete 32 lin. ft. @ $1.00 32.00 TOTAL $137.80 MARYLAN D-GALTIER RELIEF SEWER. - Project 73-S-0998 - Contractor, McDonald & Associates • EXTRA WORK - Attachment No. 2 Location: Virginia Street at Orange Avenue Reason for Extra Work: The foundation at the location of the manhole at this intersection (point of juncture with existing, combina- tion sewer) was very poor, swampy material. It was necessary to design a structure on piling, as was the existing sewer. Force Account: Labor: 1 Foreman 912 hr. @ $8.25 - $78. 38 1 Operator 912 hr. @ 8.85 - 84.08 1 Oiler 92 hr. @ 7.45 - 70.78 1 Pipe Layer 9z hr. @ 7.45 - 70.78 1 Bottom Man 92,2 hr. @ 7.40 - 70.30 1 Laborer 1 hr. @ 7. 15 - 7. 1s 1 Boom Truck Driver 2 hr. @ 7.55 - 15.10 $396.57 + 4% 150.63 $555.20 Equipment: 3" Cent. Pump 6'2 hr. @ $1.50 $ 9.75 5000 Linkbelt 912 hr. @ 32.00 - 304.00 Pick Up Truck 912 hr. @ 1.50 - 14.25 Gen & Drill 2 hr. @ 4.00 - 8.00 Boom Truck 2 hr. @ 15.00 - 30.00 366.00 Material: Piling (6 ea. 25'long) 150 l.f. @ $2.54 - $381.00 3/4 x 18" Drift Pins 8 ea. @ 1.60 - 12.80 Re Bar #5 x 20' 209 # @ 0.114 - 23.83 Timber 2 - 8x8x8 2 @ - 32.30 449.93 + 4% Mn. Tax 18.00 467.93 + 15% Profit 70.19 538.12 • 42.5 Tons Foundation Correction @ Fixed Unit Prices 42.5 ton @ $5.50 233.75 TOTAL $1,693-07 MARYLAND-GALTIER RELIEF SEWER - Project 73-S-0998 - Contractor, McDonald & Associates EXTRA WORK - Attachments No. 3 and 4 No. 3 - Location: Galtier Street at juncture with existing Trout Brook Sewer Reason for Extra Work: The material in this area was of very poor quality and correction material was required. Fixed Unit Prices Foundation Correction Material 14.21 ton @ $5.50 $78.16 TOTAL $78.16 No. 4 - Location: Virginia Street just south of Orange Avenue Reason for Extra Work: The material in this area was of very poor quality and correction material was required.. The sub material was extremely poor; therefore the last 5 pipes at the structure were tied with tie bolts. Force Account: Labor: • 1 `Pipe Layer 3 hr. @ $7.45 - $22. 35 + 4o% 8.95 31.29 Material: Tie Bolts for 30" Arch Pipe 20 ea. @ $3.80 - 76.00 + 4% Mn. Tax 3.04 79.o4 + 15% Profit 11.86 90.90 Fixed Unit Prices - Cl. 4 Foundation. Correction 81.76 @ $5.00 - 4o8.8o TOTAL 530.99