D1500 White - City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AU P, Z 2, j9f4 Date: i SCHOOL SIGNAL REMOVAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that existing two lens school signals at W. Seventh St. and View St. , Summit Ave. and Oxford St. and Marshall Ave. and Oxford St. be removed for the followingreasons: 1 . These signals are an unrecognized non-standard traffic signal since the publication of the 1961 Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices For Streets and Highways. 2. The allowable period for road agencies to comply with the manual after its publication in 1961 expired in 1968. 3. The overall accident rate increased at the school signals compared with the accident rate before they were installed in 1959• 4. These signals are frequently not used by the school patrol or by individual children crossing during school periods. 5. Traffic volumes have decreased at all three locations on the arterial since the school signals were installed. 6. Many other school crossings exist in the city with far greater traffic volumes without the use of traffic signals. 7. Studies indicate observance of these signals by the motorist is very poor; with many violations noted. 8. It is unlikely that any tags could be issued to violators of the present school signals. APPROVED AS TO FORM 1 ZZI istanj City At orne 60pepartment Head RRW Date Administrative Assis to Nfayor