D1481 White - city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: • Date: A I I G 1 G 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Construct a public storm sewer in SIMS AVE. from Arkw right St. to Westminster St.; WESTMINSTER ST. from Sims Ave. to York Ave. ; YORK AVE. from Westminster St. westerly to the East Service Road of 1 .35E; EAST SERVICE ROAD of 1 .35E from York Ave. to Sims. Ave. extended westerly; all to be known as the WESTMINSTER-YORK RELIEF SYSTEM (S-1267) , approved under Final Order Council File #263062, are heeeby approved and The Purchasing Agent is instructed to advertise for bids. • APPROVED AS T FO ii Assi tan)Cjty AttprneRy D tment ead i Walter Hurtley Hyd au�li�cs Bureau • Date Administrative Assfstalit to or