D1448 White - City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date:A U G 7 1974 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized to exercise his discretion in the interpretation of project specifications for the Oxford Recreation Center Swimming Pool as these specifications relate to the following: 1. Payment and Retainage: to amend the specifications to` delete from the Special Conditions Section 0100, sub-sections 15.1, 15.2 and 15. 3, so that the terms and conditions as set forth in General Conditions Section 12 may prevail. 2. Stored Materials, payment: to amend the specifications to delete from the Special Conditions Section 0100, sub-section 15.4, so that payment may be made for stored materials if said materials are stored on-site within the secured area and are either unable to be incorporated into the work due to the stage of construction and/or are fabricated specifically for this project. • APEA0VkD AS TO RM Assistant City AAorney I Department Head Date 1AA,44e_Ali i tr" Adminis ra Assistant to Mayor