D1424 White - city clerk CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date:,II L- 5 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the City and Herm Sittard and Associates for the latter' s evaluation of the communications activities of the City; subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in an agreement, a copy of which is on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services . Funding: Transfer of $4,800. 00 from Contingency Reserve-General • (09060) to City Administrator Activity (00105) Fees-Other (159-000) approved by City Council, July 25, 1974 APPROV AS TO FORM Assistant JEity Attorney Depart ent d Date C Administ tive Afsistakt to Mayor