D1417A kite — City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L ink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Novo — w1-7 — A ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER '1 7 1974 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute Amendment to Agreement between the City and Model Neighborhood Development Company, Incorporated, pertaining to the Housing Development Corporation, Model Cities Project, the amendment approving a $2,000.00 transfer from Budget Line Item 3, Travel, to Budget Line Item 5, Con- sumable Supplies, Printing, Duplicating and Binding, authorizing an extension of the agreement to December 31, 1974, and further authorizing the Corporation to receive in advance of all seed capital moneys, and retaining seed capital funds invested or not invested at the expiration of this agreement as its own property, and to permit the Corporation to pay its administrative costs from interest earned on the seed moneys; . and it is hereby FURTHER ORDERED, That the Model Cities Coordinator shall transmit two copies of this Amendment to Agreement to the Area Office of HUD for its records . APPROVED AS TO OR APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Assn ant Ci AtIfIrney Fyn Department Head Dir. , Department of Finance and Management Services Date 7621-? y Administrati Assi t to ayor