D1409 3 White - City clerk CITY OF SAINT PA U L Pink - F7ia66ebept. Canary- Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER J U L 1 1 1974 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to employ a tennis pro, Steven John Martin, for a period of 6 weeks, for the sum of $216, to teach the fundamentals of tennis for adult classes. A fee of $7. 50 for six lessons will be charged to cover the cost of Mr. Martin' s salary. Fund Code #23123. Approved: APPROVED - le- 7o��- Roger A. Mattson Budget to Director, Finance and Management Services By �XIGL APPROVED AS TO FORM Ass' tant aCityAttorne Department Hea Date ? /<I(A � Administrative A sta t to Mayor