D1390 White — City Clerk G I TY OF SAINT PAUL -�� No: 0 Pink — Financeppept.'/'G !/ R� Q�07d�' Canary— •� �/,GfiZ,BG OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: JU N.2 V 19`4 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AIR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the Purchasing Agent is authorized to purchase without competitive bids or advertisement: One (1) Econolite #D-4404 Traffic Signal Controller . . . .$3,324.00 FRaK: ECONOLITE COMPANY 6250 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 The Department of Public Works, Traffic Signal Maintenance Division now has ten (10) of these units in service. This specific unit must be identical to present equipment and is to be used as an immediatly available replacement or spare when existing units malfunction. Econolite is the only Company manufacturing Econolite -#D-44o4 Traffic Signal Controllers. A copy of this order is to be filed with the City of Saint Paul, Department of Finance and Management Services - Purchasing Division. i Reqn. No. 11661 Code: 02282-306-000 G�Z.00�i W DIRECTOR - FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES APP AS TO FOR Assistaig City Attorney / _ Date 6 24 74 Kaiser/bs Administrate Assi ant to M yor