D1382 White - City Clerk C I T Y OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DatJ U N 2 6 1974 • e: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Report with Recommendations dated June 12, 1974 (copy attached) , as submitted by the Department of Public Works concerning an investigation of acquiring an 8 foot wide strip of additional right-of-way on the south side of SUBURBAN AVENUE for the purpose of constructing a right turn lane approximately 375' west of Ruth Street to Ruth Street, City Project Nos. P-0616 and P-0616R, is hereby approved. The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized and directed, with assistance as necessary from the Department of Public Works, to meet with the owners of the land proposed for said acquisition and to provide said owners with detailed explanations as to the acquisition, pursuant to Resolution, C.F. No. 259491 , approved August 21 , 1972. The additional right-of- way to be acquired and slope easements are as shown on the attached copy of the Department of Public Works Street Opening Drawing No. 2256, Drawer No. 4. The Department of Finance and Management Services is further authorized and directed to then proceed with the acquisition of the above described land as provided by law and, if necessary, to bring this matter before the City Council for approval . • APPROVED AS TO FORM J _ l y Assistant ity Att hey DANIEL J. DUNFO epartment Hea (pav) Date Administrative As-sistantito Mayor