D1359 White — City Clerk GITIV OF SAINT PAUL — � ��� Pink — Finance NO � Canary— MNP!e OFFICE OF THE MAYOR p A I I I N.=1 °a 1974 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the Purchasing Agent be authorised to purchase the following patented items Without competitive bids from the 314 Company, 3M Center, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 - Attn: Traffic Control Products Division 22449 for the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Traffic Operations, Traffic Operations Building, 899 North Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. This is the only source of supply for these materials. 2 Rolls - 2411 x 150 Yds. - #3270 Silver Scotchlite . . . . . $318.90 Each Roll 20 Rolls - 24t1 x 150 Yds. - #2270 Silver Scotchlite . . . . . $318.90 Each Roll 5 Rolls - 30" x 150 Yds. - #2270 Silver Scotchlite . . . . . $398.65 Each Roll 2 Rolls - 3611 x 150 Yds. - #2270 Silver Scotchlite . . . . . $478.35 Each Roll 3 Rolls - 24" x 150 Yds. - #2271 Yeller Scotchlite . . . . . $318.90 Each Roll 2 Rolls - 30" x 150 Yds. - #2271 Yellow Scotchlite . . . . . $398.65 Each Roll 1 Roll - 36" x 150 Yds. - #2271 Yeller Scotchlite . . . . . $478.35 Each Roll 2 Rolls - 3611 x 150 Yds. - #2277 Green Scotchlite. . . . . . $478.35 Each Roll • TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . 9$23,154.80 LESS 15% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,973.22 NET TOTAL. .. . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . .$11,181.58 150 Only - 30" High Intensity Stop Faces. . . e . . . e . . $ 11.90 Each - $1,785.00 TOTAL. . . . e . e . .$12066.58 Req'n 439 Code: 02281-307-000 Rpm A copy of this order is to be filed with the City of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services - Purchasing Division. APPROVED AS TO FOR D R - CE & SERVICES Assistan City Attorney Department Hea • Date /19 V Bit. n jo Administrative Pfistant to Mayor