D1312 White — City Clerk. C I T Y O F SAINT PA U L Pink Finance' aRt. Canary— Dept. OFFIGF. OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: JYl.tiy 2 8 914 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the 1972 and 1973 S i dewa 1 k District Contracts did not provide the financing for the Long Side Subsidy by the City of St. Paul , therefore be it, ORDERED, that the estimated amount for this Long Side Subsidy be provided from the 1974 Public Improvement Aid Fund, Code 09050-465 as follows : L-7520-1972 Sidewalk Contract "District No. 1" - $21 ,300.00 L-7521-1972 Sidewalk Contract "District No. 2" - 21 ,400.00 L-7522-1972 Sidewalk Contract "District No. 3" - 21 ,300.00 L-7630-1973 Sidewalk Contract "District No. 1" - 33,500.00 L-7631-1973 Sidewalk Contract "District No. 2" - 33,500.00 Total $131 ,000.00 M-0543 M-0544 M-0545 M-0556 M-0557 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director of Finance & Management Services APPROVED AS O FORM s stant ity ttor epartment Hea KCN dkt Date Administrative sist o Mayor