D1287 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: MAY 21 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the Donald W. R. Allen Construction Company was charged and paid a Sewer Availability Charge of $275.00 on October 26, 1973, as evidenced by Finance and Management Department Receipt Number A279 for property located at 448 West Central Avenue, being Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 13, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition; and WHEREAS, a previous demolition credit applied to said property in the amount of $275.00 on June 26, 1973, should have been applied against said charge, negating the aforementioned collection; In view of the foregoing, the Director of Finance and Management Services is directed to prepare a Miscellaneous Claim and refund the amount of $275.00 collected in error for Sewer Availability Charges to: Donald W. R. Allen Construction Company 1088 North Dale Street St. Paul, Minnesota and to report said refund to the Metropolitan Sewer Board for proper recordation. Charge to: 30018-482-000y,� APPROVED AS 7OR 1 'Assis City' torney Department Head Date Administrative rantfo Mayor