D1240 White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink z Finance Dept. Cansfy— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER APR e A G A 1974 AOL Date: li �t ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to construct a public sanitary sewer in Wheelock Parkway from Cohansey Street to approximately 175 feet east, and it is, therefore, ORDERED, That this work be done by City Forces at a cost of $4,462.00 plus Engineering and Inspection of $673.00 or a total cost of $5,135.00 and charge this cost to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 60000, and this fund to be reimbursed as follows: Assessments $2,500.00 09050-465-000 $2,635-00 $5,135.00 S-1483 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director Dept. o France & Mgmt. Serv. ACTING R, Director of Finance anagement Services - APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant tity Attorne epartment Head / A JI /�y Admini rati ss tant to Mayor