D1233 white , City Clerk C I TY OF SAINT PA T 1, Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. A OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: APR 2 1974 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER r ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of Final Order, Council File No. 262774, adopted December 18, 1973, which reads as: In the matter of construction of a public storm sewer in ST. CLAIR AVE. from Fairview Ave. to Wheeler St. (So.) ; WHEELER ST. (SO) from St. Clair Ave. to Stanford Ave. ; STANFORD AVE. from Wheeler St. to Davern St. ; DAVERN ST. from Berkeley Ave. to Juliet Ave.; BERKELEY AVE. from Davern St. to Macalester St. ; JEFFERSON AVE. from Davern St. to Macalester St. ; MACALESTER ST. from Juliet Ave. to Wellesley Ave. ; all to be known as the JEFFERSON-WHEELER RELIEF SYSTEM (S-1493) be amended to read as follows: In the matter of construction of a public storm sewer in ST. CLAIR AVE. from Fairview Ave. to Wheeler St. (So.) ; WHEELER ST. (SO) from St. Clair Ave. to James Ave. ; STANFORD AVE. from Wheeler St. to Davern St. ; DAVERN ST. from Berkeley Ave. to James Ave. ; BERKELEY AVE. from Davern St. to Macalester St. ; MACALESTER ST. from Berkeley Ave. to Stanford Ave. ; JEFFERSON AVE. from Davern St. to Macalester St. ; MACALESTER ST. from Wellesley Ave. to James Ave. ; all to be known as the JEFFERSON-WHEELER STORM SYSTEM (S-1493) . • The report of the Department of Public Works is accepted. The Department of Finance and Management Services As hereby directed to bring this matter before the City Council for a new public hearing. APPROVED AS TO FORM Assis n City Attorn DepartMnt Hea \y Henry W. Jacks n - Sewer esign t�Date ` Administrative As ' an to Mayor