D1121 White — CivrXlerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink. — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: FEB 19 974 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In connection with the assessment ratification for a Sanitary Sewer in Juliet Ave. from Lexington Ave. to 280 ft . East , Project No. S-1455, Contract No. L-7477 it was determined that the final costs exceeded the estimated cost by 5446.55. This additional cost was due to a high construction bid due to lateness of the season and high engineering and inspection costs, now therefore be it, ORDERED, That this additional cost of $446.55 be financed from the Public Improvement Aid Fund. • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING, ACTT ry P // .`�,, � 7 i� � is i' Director, Finance'& Management Services '+ APPROVED AS TO FjORM i t Assis t ty Att rney Department Head dkt foate l 1/7 V Administrative Assi ant o Mayo