D1098 White - Gity CierN CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink , —`Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER JAN 3 Date: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, on December 12, 1973 Administrative Order No. D-999 was approved authorizing the City of St. Paul to revise an existing traffic signal at Jackson St. and Maryland Ave. using City Forces and contract to be financed 50% by County Aid Funds and 50% by Municipal State Aid Funds. Pursuant to information from District Nine State Aid Office Municipal State Aid Funds will not be available to finance this project, therefore be it ORDERED, that 50% of the financing in the amount of $12,500.00 be financed from Public Works Contingency Funds. T-1071 L-7699 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director of Finance & Management Services, APPROVED AS TO FOR Assistant ttor Department Head X7 Y Date Administrati; Assistant to May r