D999 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' -1 Pink — Finance Dept. No: 1 / Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR 4 C DEC Ign Date: CC Ii a �J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Pub) is Works is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase materials and supplies necessary for the revision of an exist- ing traffic signal at Jackson St. and Maryland Ave. The Department of Public Works is further authorized to do this work with City Forces at an estimated cost of $22,625.00 plus Engineering and Inspection $2,375.00 or a total estimated cost of $25,000.00. ORDERED, That the cost of this work to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolv- ing Fund Code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed as follows: /cf7Z44FiF - M.S.A. Funds 164-505-01 - $12,500.00 1971 - County Aid Funds - 12,500.00 T-1071 • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Finance & Management Sery ces APPROVED AS TO ORM A�kTt Citk Att ep tment)Wa-cr CN y Date Jkt Administr a A*rstanjUo Mayor