D990 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL NO: Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date. OCU Lv C V 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �1 Go ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the Finance Dept. , Accounting Division is authorized to establish a PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING (P.I.R.) Fund Contract for Designing and Engineering and Miscellaneous expenses in conjunction with the SYLVAN RECREATION BUILDING CONSTRUCT_ ION PROJECT, said project being a duo-funded 1970 and 1973 Capital Improvement Budget (C.I.B.) Project. ORDERED, that these costs shall be charged to P.I.R. Fund No. 60000 and reimbursed as stated below; also, the total expenses shall not exceed the project estimate. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED AMOUNT C.I.B.FUND NO. Sylvan Recreation Bldg. $5,000 93073-460-007 .W, APPROVED AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS W 1-1--, ---) Vi LL4&,'-- — Director of Finance & Management Services APPROVED AS TO FO M ' Assistant City Attorney a tment Head • Date Administrative A ' tant aydh