D958 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUE Pink — Finance Dept. No: — 1 Canary— Y Purchasing Division OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OV 16 1973 Date:WV• ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that, amended payment to NORTMESTEW RANG COWANY on Formed Bid Number 3176 is hereby allowed, based on verification on file in the Purchasing Division of the Department of Finance and Management Services that increases in prices Would appear to be canon to all such vendors, and a good fait)t atte qt has been made to verify that NORTIIWESTES FdWZMG OWANY would dwring the period of the agreement, be the lowest responsible bidder, even though be escalated his prices along with other vendors according to the market. • WILLTAM E. PETNR • PURM ING AGENT APPROVE AS TO FO W ant City Attorney ROHERIl.' TRUDBAU DIRECTOR 4F FMNC8 AND NRKAGEKKNT 93MCE8 Date /4et�d_ r�tive)ffsistant46 M yor