D941 White — City Clerk (CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NoD' Canary— Dept. NOW 5 1973 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, By Administrative Order No. F-60 dated June 15, 1973 and Resolution Council File No. 261496 approved June 26, 1973, the proper City officers were authorized and directed to and did execute an Agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways and the St. Paul Board of Water Commissioners providing for the engineering, construction, contract administration and costs arising therefrom involved in the State Construction of City Projects No. P-0597, B-1041 , S-1519 and T-1059, on MARYLAND AVE. - 1-35E to Westminister St. The City reimbursement to the State under the terms of the Agreement was estimated as a sum of $269,017.09 for the construction and $21 ,358.83 for an 8% engineering inspection cost, for a total amount of $290,375.92, and WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, has awarded a construction contract for the referenced projects to Cy-Con, Inc. in the bid amount of $345,086.93; Now, therefore, be it hereby ORDERED, That the final estimated costs and financing for Finance Contract L-7643 , having been determined by said award of contract, are stated as follows: Costs Financing Construction $ 345,086.93 K-Mart & Plywood Minn. $ 45,570.20 8% insp. (M.H.D.) 27,606.94 County Aid (1968) 31 ,106.43 Eng. (ETA 2064) 30,378.48 County Aid (1970) 256,440.36 Eng. (City) 13,512.00 County Aid (1971) 103,366.26 Water Dept. 19,898.90 $ 36 483.25 436,483.25 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: RECEIVED Director of Finance and Management Services 0["J T 311973 CQRPQR-AT'i6N COUNSEL APPROVED AS TO FORM t t i At rn epart ent Head DOL Date jm Administrativ As ' !Wt to Mayor