D935 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NO:� Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR OCT3 1 1973 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, Building Permits have been issued to Mr. M. G. Hathaway, for property located at 1249 Collette Place, 1046 Bayard Avenue,and 1050 Bayard Avenue, for which Sewer Availability Charges have been collected in the amount of $275.00 each, or a sum total of $825.00 as evidenced by Department of Finance and Management Services Receipts Nos. A167, A168, and A169 dated July 19, 1973; and WHEREAS, Due to neighborhood opposition, Mr. Hathaway cancelled his plans to move existing housing to the above sites with the result that the Building Permits as originally issued have also been cancelled; In view of the above, the Director of Finance and Management Services is directed to prepare a Miscellaneous Claim and refund the amount of $825.00 previously collected for Sewer Service Availability Charges to Marrel G. Hathaway, 1246 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, and to further report said cancel- lation and refund to the Metropolitan Sewer Board for proper recordation. • Charge to 30018-482-000 APPROVED AS TO FORM Asst tant City Attorney Department Head /C3v/7217 Dat e '� Adminis ative T t to Mayor