D918 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. N11: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: Z OCT 4 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Department of Community Services, Division of Parks and Recreation, is authorized to enter into an Agreement as attached, with the American Recreation Shows Unlimited, 6700 Penn Ave. So. , Minneapolis, Minn. , for the purpose of renting booth space in an exhibition named "Snow World '73" to be held at the Minneapolis Auditorium on October 25-28, 1973, to display the Division of Recreation's Ski School , Cross Country Skiing, and Snowmobiling Program for the 1973-74 season. Cost not to exceed $300. Fund Code: 23100. Approved as to Funding: 0;�4 ire tor, Financerand Management Services APPRO TO FORM Z4.z vit� s Ass t nt 't Attorney parfmofit ea o Date Administra ' e Assistatft to ayor