D910 White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PATTL -'a Pink — Finance Dept. NO Canary— Dept. H OCT 1 & ' OFFIQE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The United Way of the St. Paul Area, Inc. , 333 Sibley St. , St. Paul , Minnesota, 55101 , has reluested that a permit be granted authorizing the temporary placement , maintenance aid removal of a symbolic progress indicator constructed from common building mate ials and sized approximately 8 feet by 8 feet on dedicated City street and park righ -of-way for its campaign period of September 4 through October 27, 1973 on Summit Ave ue east of the intersection of Summit and Snelling Avenues; Now, there- fore, be it ORDERED, That the Departments of Public Works and Community Services are hereby authorized to issue a permit to the United Way of the St. Paul Area, Inc. , for the said proposed use of said dedicated City right-of-way upon and subject to the fol- lowing provis ons, terms and conditions : 1 . aid permittee shall pay all cost and expense incurred by the City because of or arising out of this undertaking; said cost and expense shall be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. -1176. 2. aid permittee shall notify the Superintendent of Parks (telephone No. 2q8-4126) and the Department of Public Works Traffic Operations • ngineer (telephone No. 489-8871 ) in advance of the exact proposed starting and completion dates of installation and removal of said campaign progress indicator and framing; all removal work shall be completed by no later than November 15, 1973. 3. 7hat said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemn- ify and hold harmless the City of St. Paul , its agents, officers and employees, from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments , suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the use of said fight-of-way contemplated by this permission and authority. 4. That said permittee shall furnish a bond of $10,000.00 to the City of St. Paul conditioned to comply with all the terms of this Admin- i.strative Order and to indemnify and save the City harmless from any a d all loss, liability, judgments , suits, costs , charges, damages expenses that may accrue to person or property occasioned by t e permitted use of said streets. APPROVED AS TO FOR Assista Atto ey artment ead / ' Date ?3 Administrate AssistX111 to Mayor White — City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. ! No: Canary— Dept. p' OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: OCT 16 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATI�E ORDER, 5. That said permittee shall not be issued a permit or proceed to use said right-of-way unless and until said permittee shall procure and furnish to said City public liability insurance covering itself and including the City of St. Paul as co-insured against any liability on account of injury to person or property arising out of or result- ling from the use of said right-of-way. Limits of liability shall not be less than 5100,000.00 for each individual who may suffer per- sonal injury and $300,000.00 on account of personal injury resulting from any one accident, and $100,000.00 because of injury or damage to property on account of any one accident, such insurance coverage to be evidenced by certificates of insurance approved by the City Attorney. 6. The aforesaid bond and insurance documents shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for submittal to the City Attorney for approval and transmittal to the Department of Finance for filing. No permit will be issued until the documents have been approved by said City Attorney. • 7. Said permittee shall file its written acceptance of this Order and of all its provisions , terms and conditions with the City Clerk by not later than 10 days after the execution date of this Order, and in the event of permitteels failure to do so, the permission and authority hereby granted shall lapse. APPROVED AS TO FO wl, ;J 9 Assistant ty A orn y p tmentTlead DOL) • Date dkt Administrative Assistant to Mayor