D904 White City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL -- Rink -finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. 17 Im OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR OCT lr Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That pursuant to the authority vested in the office of the mayor by City Charter and Chapter 454 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, it is hereby directed that the rules and regulations relating toi, swimming pools promulgated July 20, 1971 , pursuant to said Chapter of the Legislative Code are hereby amended as follows: I That section of the rules and regulations entitled "(a) Scope and Purpose" is hereby amended to read: tt(a) Scope and Purpose. The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to all public swimming and wad ng pools and all special purpose pools as here- ina ter defined, including all facilities incident the eto. The purpose of the Regulation shall be to pro ide a standard for the design, construction, ope ation, and maintenance of such pools so that health andsafety hazards will be minimized. " II • That sectiol of t he rules and regulations entitled n (5) W Wading Pool" as it appears under section (b) is hereby amended to read as follows: "(5 Wading Pool. Any pool used or designed to be used exclusively for wading or bathing normally by non+-swimming children only, having a maximum depth of 24 inches, and available for use collectively by numbers of persons, but not including a wading pool acc ssory to a single or "double family dwelling which is ntended only for use by the residents and their frionds. 't f Nk N . APP AS TO FO M Assi nt ity Attorney i° ad Date Administra )&e As ant to ayor