D002007C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financial Service - Accounting Section - Requesting Dept. No: �}(� rjn 7 Date: 3 a �-p/ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriTy grented to the Mayor in SeMion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the City Council Offices to amend the 2000 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said 6udget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBdECT: CITY COUNCIL City Council Administration GL 001-00001-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 001-00001-0219 Fees - Other Professional Svc �I Other Activity Spending CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED SUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 428,624 7,130 435,754 32,000 (7,130) 24,870 1,598,661 0 1,598,661 2,059,285 0 2,059,285 1��I���t co,�,�si $([3jj7}179t1 ! ON COUNCLL AGECIDA BY (DA1E) # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ,a,��„� Do�aeb7 03-19-00 GREEN SHEET No. 104128 Oi �xenarnm�rrumecrox � Q crrvcouwca � �x.�earat O CI'IYATfORN2Y Q3 CRYCLERK „ � O2 FIIJANCIAI.SVCDIRF.C[OR �6 FWnNCW.SVCS-wCCOUNI'RiG. O MAYOR(ORASSISiANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) of Administrative Order Budget Revision to cover 2000 yeaz end variances. QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOh4IISSION _CNIl,SERNCECOIdMI551pN I.Nuflusperson/SimeverworkedimderacontractfatLisdepazmient? _cmm�u�rr� _ YES NO a_SrnFE _ 2. Has Utis persod£um ever been a ciTy employee? mm��crcounr YES NO iOPPORTS WtIICH CAUNCII.OBIECRV6� 3. Dces this persod5�m possess a skill not no�mally possessed by any cmrent city employee? YES NO and attach to ISSUS, OPPOR'NNI1Y (Nhw w'het. P/hw �� K'hYY yeaz end, a variance occurred in fringe benefit expenditures. This administrative order reconciles actua12000 spending to 2000 budget. R'APPROVED: activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. ffAPPROVED: OFNOTAPPROV9D: will show a negative variance in 2000. RECEIVED FIAR 2 2 200i CITY CLERK 'fOTALAMOUNiOFTAANSACTION_ 7 13O COSLREVENOEHIIDGESED(CRtCLEONE) > YES NO INGSOURGE �. ACRV[lYNUhBEI OOOOI , wNCIAL WFORMATION. (FJ3LnA�