D854 White — City Clerk f CITY OF SAINT PAUL No: Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: SEP 12 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER r ADMINISTRATI E ORDER, That the Finance Dept. , Accounting Division, is authorized to stablish a Permanent Improvement Revolving (P.I.R. ) Fund contract for Designing nd Engineering and other Miscellaneous Costs for the Following 1973 Capital I provement Bond (C.I.B. ) Fund Project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED AMOUNT C.I.B. FUND NO. St. Paul Dog Pound Const. $3,500 93073-460-081 ®►t a✓Ixr, Further Ordered, That these costs shall be charged to P.I.R. Fund No. 60000, and that Fund reimbursed from C.I.B. Fund 93073-460-081 ; also the totalff, expenses for the above project shall not exceed the estimated amount as stated above. I • APPROVED AS TO AVAILABLE FUNDING: CC DrRECTOR, FINANCE D MANAGEMENT SERVICES AP TO F F. CILr Assists City Attorney Pread Administrative As tan t yor