D849 White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO: �/ Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOB Date: S E P 1 1 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the mutter of construction of a public storm sewer in SIMS AVE. from Arkwrigh^t St. to Westminster St. ; WESTMINSTER ST. from Sims Ave. to York Ave. ; YORK AVE. from Westminster St. westerly to the East Service Road of 1-35E; EAST SERVICE ROAD OF 1-35E from York Ave. to Sims Ave. extended westerly; all to be known as the WESTMINSTER-YORK RELIEF SYSTEM (S-1267) . The report of the Department of Public Works is accepted. The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to bring this matter before the City Council for public hearing. APPROVED AS TO F R 1 L_x sista it 'Att r e epart ent Hea'Dave Daniel J. Dun rd Rossman-` W� w r Design We AdmiffistrativITAssisbut to Mayor G C