D842 f White — City Clerk p! CITY OF SAINT PAUL —• $y�✓ Pink — Finance Dept. No Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR. Date: S F P 6 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Pub] i c Works is hereby authorized and instructed to ;purchase materials and supplies and install new Traffic Signals and to Interconnect Traffic Signals at the following intersections : Dale andlGrand Dale and Summit Summit and Victoria Lexingto 4, DeCourcy Drive and Front Lexingtor and Horton Lexingtor and IS 94 Snelling and IS 94 Pelham B ulevard and Doane Seventh and Albion Snelling and Midway Parkway The Department of Public Works is further authorized to do this work with City Forces at an estimated cost of $81 ,000.00, plus Engineering and Inspection $8,500.00 or a total estimated cost of $84,500.00. The cost of this work to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed as follows : . M.S.A. F nds $ 27,250.00 Minnesota Highway Department 50,000.00 CIB 92073-901 12,250.00 $ 9,5$—00.00 T-10228 APPROVED AS TO FUN ING Director of Finance and Management Service's , APPROVED AS TO FO Assists t Att. a LD4artmdfit H d (KCN) 'Z�3 Date dkt Administr five A to o Mayor i