D836 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL —IF 361 Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR U CCf�"S[Q C 1973 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER t ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the Director of the Department of Public Works is instructed to investigate the necessity for widening and paving Sixth St. from Minnesota St. to 180' East (North side) . He is authorized to obtain surveys , prepare preliminary plans and make i c st estimates. if he determines that this project is necessary, h shall submit a report and his recommendations to the Mayor. WI'iD/PAV SIXTH ST.-Minnesota Stmt to 180' East (North side) , P-�04080 APPROVED AS T FO !� r t Assilatant City At orne OL J � fe Adminis alive slant to Mayor jg