D834 i White — City Clerk GITY OF ►SAINT PAITL - �� ✓ Pink — Finance Dept. No: / Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date. EP 5 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER G1 t ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized and. directed. to execute an agreement between Security Analysts, Independent School District No. 625 and Ramsey County Board of Corlimissioners whereby Security Analysts will conduct a safety stud concerning the central security control center for joint use b5 the City, County and. School District, and FURTHER ORD$RED, That the proper officials shall make due note of council file 261833 and, remit one-third, of the total cost of $2400.00 fo the study upon its completion, and. II i 40 FURTHER ORD$RED, That the City' s share shall be paid from Activity Account-001 05-City Administration. APPRO S40 FO 0 Assistan City Attorney n Department Head Oe Administ tive Assistant to Mayor d