D811 White - City Clerk (CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary- Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: AUG 2 2 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, i The Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to relocate the catch basin at the Southeast corner of Fifth Street and Seventh Street, and it is therefore, ORDERED, That this work be done by City Forces at an estimated cost of $900.00, plus Engineering and Inspection $100.00 or a total es- timated host of $1 ,000.00, and charge this cost to the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund, Code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from Public Works Cootingency Fund. S-1533 ll�` iv I APPROVED AS TO FUNDJNG ACJ—l� Di ment Services 44). APPROVED AS TO FO M it's Ass' nt ity Att rney Daniel J. Dunf d Depar ment Head Director V U Acctg. Iae ck AlhistrVive Atstant to Mayor I