D810 White — City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U I, D -- ��' V Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: AUG 21 1973 t ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an agreement between the City and the Burlington Northern, Inc. , Burlington Northern Passenger Station, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55401 , providing for City-Railroad reconstruction of the double main line track crossing of Como Avenue between Jessamine Avenue and East Como Boulevard in conjunction with the bituminous overlay of COMO AVE. , E. COMO BLVD. , E. COMO LAKE DRIVE, and LEXINGTON PKWY. N. (City Project No. P-0572A) ; and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That the Burlington Northern, Inc. costs to be reimbursed by the City undel the terms of this agreement, estimated as a sum of $19,505.00, shall be accou0ited for under City Project No. P-0572A and shall be paid to Bur- lington Northern, Inc. from P. I .R. Fund Code 60000, to be reimbursed from 1972 M.S.A. Turnback Funds. The total costs and financing of City Project No. P-0572A are estimated as follows: COSTS FINANCING Construction $ 160,770 1973 M.S.A. $ 25,000 Engineering (1 5%) 20,100 1972 M.S.A. Turnback 180,575 Inspection (2%p 3,200 Traffic Bureauk 2,000 Burlington Northern, Inc. 19,505 TOTALS $ 205 : $205,575 r APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Director of Finance and Management Service APPROVED AS TO F0 4M sist t it ttorne Depar ment He N1 (DOL) date AdminispAivelWa I to Mayor