D803 White - city clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA u L No: Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: AUG 21 1979 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise for bids in the usual manner for Landscape Planting at Como Golf Course, Phalen Golf Course and Highland Golf Courses using plans and specifications prepared. by the Division of Parks and Recreation Design Section, Department of Community Seriices, known as Job #73-27. Advertisement to specify a $10 deposit fee. Fund. Code: 23101-460-003 23102-460-003 23103-460-003 23104-460-003 V P t Y G APPROVED TO FORM AssistanlCit A torney Depart n Head *ate Administrativ Assist ayor