D796 wn - city Clerk � �LI '� Pink — Finance Dept. C SP NO: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: AUG 14 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Pub] is Works is hereby authorized and Instructed to purchase materials and supplies and to install new signals, inter- connect and rdovise existing signals at the following intersections: University Avenue and Mississippi Edgecumbt and Randolph Hamline nd Summit Hamline nd Grand The Depa tment of Public Works is further authorized to do this work with City Forces a an estimated cost of $26,000.00 plus Engineering and Inspection $2,000.00 or a total estimated cost of $28,000.00. The cost of this work to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund code 600110 and this fund to be reimbursed as follows: MSA Fund $ 20,000.00 County A d Funds 2,000.00 P.W.P.C. , 4,000.00 CIB 9207-901 2,000.00 T-1021B 1,(y- APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director of F nance an& Management Services APPROVED AS TO FOAM Assis i o # e Head KCN) �. . Date L 3 zg��L�- dkt Administrative AS11tant t yo t