D793 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: AUG 10 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of construction of a public storm sewer in ST. CLAIR AVE. from Fairview Ave. to Wheeler St. (So.) ; WHEELER ST. (SO) from St. Clair Ave. to Stanford Ave. ; STANFORD AVE. from Wheeler St. to Davern St. ; DAVERN ST. from Berkeley Ave. to Juliet Ave. ; BERKELEY AVE. from Davern St. to Macalester St. ; JEFFERSON AVE. from Davern St. to Macalester St. ; MACALESTER ST. from Juliet Ave. to Wellesley Ave. ; all to be known as the JEFFERSON- WHEELER RELIEF SYSTEM (S-1493) . The report of the Department of Public Works is accepted. The Depa tment of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to bring this matter before the City Council for public hearing. i APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant City Att ney Te W Date Administrative Asistant t Mayor