D792 wfi'te = City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL 741 a' Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: QI►(; 1 n "71 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATI�IE ORDER, That the Report with Recommendations (copy attached) , as submitted by the Department of Public Works concerning an investigation of acquiring right-of-way on the East side of DALE STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to Simon Avenue for the purposes of widening and paving Dale Street (City Project No. P-0490AR) , is hereby approved. The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized, in' conjunction with the Department of Public Works, to hold public informational meetings, pursuant to Resolution, Council File No. 259491 , approved August 21 , 1972, for the purpose of contacting the owners of land proposed for acquisition and to provide said owners with detailed explanations as to the acquisition. The Department of Finance and Management Services is further author- ized to schedule this land acquisition project for a public hearing before the City Council. The additional right-of-way to be acquired is detailed as follows, and is further shown on the attached set of prints of right-of-way plans of the Department of Public Wor (Project No. P-0490AR) . Acquire perman nt easements for street and highway purposes to open, widen and ex- tend DALE STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to Simon Avenue on , over and across the following described lands: That part of the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 29, North, Range 23 West, bounded on the south by the north right-of-way line of Minnehah Avenue; on the west by the east right-of-way line 728.73 feet north of nd parallel to the south line of said Section 25; and on the east by line described as follows : Beginning at a point on the last described line, 60.62 feet east of the west line of Section 25; thence southerly to a point 66.00 feet, east of the west line of Section 25; thence southerly to a poinft on the northerly right-of-way line of Minnehaha Avenue, 83 fleet easterly of the west line of Section 25, and there termi- nating. Also Lot 14, 15, 16, 17 of Block 7, Foundry's Addition. Also the westerly 58 feet of Lots 28 through 34 inclusive of Block 3, Denslows Addition to the City of St. Paul , Ramsey County. APPROVED AS TO ORM Assistant Cit y A torn Aft t He (DOL) Date jm Administrativ Assistant a or W te = CttyCierk ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL 741 � Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: AUG 10 1073 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, (2) Also all of Lots 1 and 2 and those parts of Lots 3, 4, 35 and 36 and the vacated alley in Block 3 of Denslows Addition to the City of St. Paul lying westerly of a line parallel to and 58 feet east of the east right- of-way line of Dale Street. Also that part of the northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 29, North, _ Range 23 ,West, in Block 14, Como Prospect Addition, lying westerly of a line parallel to and 35 feet east of the east right-of-way line of Dale Street. APPROVED AS TO FO Assistant y Alto ne De (DO9 • Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor jm